Parodies vs. Celebrities
In the below graphs, the blue bars represent the celebrity accounts and the green bars represent the parody accounts.
Theme by Theme Comparisons
This graph shows the distribution of themes by percentage for total parody tweets versus total real celebrity tweets. The same-colored bars add up to 100% here since each tweet has a theme attribute. The themes vary much more and each theme is represented in the real celebrity tweets. However, the parody accounts tend to gravitate towards a few specific themes (relationship, wisdom, media, general, and ad) and not all themes are represented.
Content Usage Comparisons
This graph shows the distribution of elements by percentage for total parody tweets versus total real celebrity tweets. Unlike, the Overall Themes Graph, the same-colored bars do not necessarily add up to 100% since the percentage was calculated by the count of a specific element tag out of the total tweets for either parody or celebrity and it was not required for each tweet to have an element. Each type of element was used by the real celebrity accounts but not all were used by the parody accounts. The parody accounts used elements less frequently as compared to the real accounts.