celebrity account.
The current celebrity account page can be found here.
parody account.
The current parody account page can be found here.
figure 1.
The left axis and green points and line correspond to the number of accounts this parody account is following. The right axis and purple points and line correspond to the number of accounts that follow this parody account. The axes have different scales, purposefully done to show the general trends for each statistic. The followers and following statistics were collected daily, as seen by the x-axis.
There is a follow-back phenomenon in which an account chooses to follow another account in hope that that account will follow them back. Many accounts gain followers on this basis, creating a close to 1:1 leadership ratio (overall change in followers divided by the overall change in following). This would be visible on the graph if the lines followed the same trend.
The following begins with no change until the 16th. There is a steady increase in following, succeeded by a sudden decrease, reaching the minimum point on the graph. During this progression, the followers increase. The followers reach the maximum simultaneously as following reaches the minimum. It appears that this change is noted, as following again increases. The leadership ratio is 0.43 : 1, indicating that the follow-back phenomenon is at work.
figure 2.
The stacked bar graph is a visual representation of the breakdown of themes per day. Each tweet was marked up with a theme attribute from a predefined list. The themes include general, wisdom, relation(ship), media, social, mile (stone), fan, ad, daily, convo, gossip, and joke. For more information on the theme determinations, refer to our resources page. Each color is an individual theme, identified in the key above the graph. The height of each graph is proportional to the number of tweets per day. Each “stack” is the corresponding number of tweets with that theme. The x-axis shows the date.
Every theme is used in varying proportions. There is only one day in which the account used a specific theme significantly more than others. The number of tweets per day is also inconsistent.
This account had the smallest leadership ratio, indicating that much of the appeal of the account is in the hopes of receiving a "follow back," rather than the content tweeted by the account. This fits our conclusion that successful accounts use the same few themes, as this account had no consistency and has the worst leadership ratio.